Objectives and Activities

FeedInn is a project of the University of Milan, financed under the ERASMUS-JMO-2023-HEI-TCH-RSCH call.

It aims to promote teaching and research activities on the challenges posed to food law by scientific and technological innovation in the agri-food sector, moving from the awareness that food innovation could play a crucial role in ensuring food safety and food security, as well as sustainable food systems for future generations.

The project introduces the first multidisciplinary course – titled titled “Scientific innovation and legal challenges of food regulation” – on this topic, intersecting public law, nutritional and food/feed science. The Teaching Team, coordinated by Prof. Lorenza Violini, comprises Constitutional lawyers, Comparative lawyers, European Union lawyers, Animal Nutrition and Feeding scientists and Biotechnologists.

The research activity will assess the relationship between science and law in the face of food innovation’s challenges, focusing on open issues such as New Genomic Techniques and Novel Foods.

The results are going to be collected in individual publications in peer-reviewed journals and books, and in a co-edited collective book.

Academic events, open to the participation of civil society, include a series of seminars that will deal with specific aspects of legal and scientific issues related to innovation in the food sector, and a final Conference. The seminars will often involve external experts that will be invited by the staff members and will contribute to communication and dissemination activities.


G. RAGONE, Giudicare l’incertezza: il caso della Corte di Giustizia dell’Unione Europea, in Biolaw Journal, n. 2/2024, pp. 41-57 (ISSN 2284-4503) Abstract: The contribution aims to analyze the jurisprudence of...

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